The architecture of Old City, a legacy of colonial times past, is a hallmark—and a real charming treat (and La Matuna and Getsemani)—of Cartagena. The architecture is characterized by a series of multi-level buildings with arches, tiered, overhanging balconies, and of course, bright colors, especially in Plaza de los Coches in the Centro area and the San Diego area.
The facades have accented, contrasting windows and doorways—many (off) white and/or various shades of brown accents with overhanging foliage. In the San Diego area most buildings, except for the cathedrals and churches, the buildings flatten, becoming fairly flat rows on either side of the streets.
San Diego has flashier colors. You’ll see bright blues and white trims stores and restaurants next to others with gold and light blues and off orange and reds with white trims. My advice it to take a couple of days to walk or wheel around the Old City and take all the motley colors and charm in.